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Showing up is the first level of leadership. Commit today to make attendance to weekly trainings and quarterly events a priority.


You are in business for yourself but not by yourself. We will surround you as you build a business and change your life. A great way to plug into that community is through our Summit Telegram. Click the link to join today!


Review the posted audios, videos and podcast to develop the mental toughness and fortitude to win in american business.

What to expect during training?

While you’re obtaining your state licenses you trainer will focus on three key components. First, obtaining your state licenses. Second, our skilled coaches will direct you through “field training” to help you better understand the value we bring to clients, as well as building a referral base. Finally, and most importantly, building you a team. Our focus is expanding and we want you to take advantage of that.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • We’ll drop new podcast content weekly top help you understand the mindset behind building a successful business.

  • We have a family read to surround you.


  • Yes. Our objective is to help you qualify for a full reimbursement. How? We need to achieve 1X1,000 and get you licensed in the next 30 days. Ask you trainer how to achieve 1×1,000 this week!

  • Yes. Absolutely. We actually encourage that. Weather they are a active agent, administrative help or just a supportive spouse, that is the easiest recruit to add to your team.

  • Great question. It is critical to your success. You are NOT an employee so training is not mandatory. However, could you imagine being a success athlete and not showing to practice? Or having a successful marriage and never studying your partners needs.

    The fact is, if you want to succeed the weekly zoom calls are a must. Text your trainer today for details.

  • While is it acceptable, we do NOT encourage it. Remember, you are building a professionally regulated business. There are licenses to obtain and critical steps to learn. First step… go achieve 3×3,000 your first two weeks. This will show your trainer you are serious about being full time and they can help you with a plan.